Thursday, November 05, 2015

Projects for next year

I've sat down this week (I have a 2 hour one-way commute to work, so plenty of time to think) and storted setting my project priorities for next year, and what I'd need to get those finished... This could also be seen as a wishlist for Secret and other Santas :)

1. Desert 28mm (mostly Perry miniatures) - most of the stuff is done for this, but I may need a British 6-pdr, as we saw in our last games, when the German armour comes on, that the Boys rifles and 2 pdrs can't cut it. I also want to extend my German FJ för the Ramcke Brigade (that can also extend to Sicily, Italy and at a pinch even Normandy) with some extra troops, e.g. more riflemen, support, even MG42s, and the cool LG40 75mm RCL, or the sPzB AT gun

2, Our Dux Gondorum project, Dux Brittaniorun in a Middle Earth setting. I managed to get a lot of 2nd hand figures for this which all but fills my needs, but some extra Rohan Riders would be useful unless I manage to convert the Conquest Games Normans I bought just to do that.

3. Extending my AB miniatures British paras. I have about a platoon now, but need an additional section, or some extra supports, like the howitzer crew, or jeep crews. Even if I managed to source some stuff from SHQ and Shell Hole Scenics at Crisis.

4. Frostgrave - I have most I need for the warband(s), but need a healer or an apothecary, and an extra wizard and apprentice, like the Chronomancer, or the Illusionist. And some monsters, one always needs more monsters (like the constructs or animals om this page)

5. Perhaps start NorwegiansDutch or Belgians for CoC for WWII in 20mm, Early War miniatures have nice sets. And for these my 20mm Fallschirmjäger may need some reinforcements, an extra section or some support weapons.

6. For our French in Indochina project, we can always use more French or Viet Minh infantry or support weapons, from FNG Miniatures.


Laffe said...

I happened to order the Frostgrave rulebook as well... honest to God mistake, guv.

Note that your 6-pounder will be useable in Italy as well.

Koen said...

Yes, I just realised that not only can I use my FJ in Italy but most of my British as well. May just need a couple in long trousers for variation.

For some reason I have a pdf of the frostgrave book now as well...

Koen said...

Yes, I just realised that not only can I use my FJ in Italy but most of my British as well. May just need a couple in long trousers for variation.

For some reason I have a pdf of the frostgrave book now as well...

Thomas Nissvik said...

I have challenged that Canadian fellow to a contest, first one to get a Dux Gondorum game played and put on the blog. You are hereby conscripted!

Joakim Ström said...

Frostgrave... I've bought the rules and they are really interesting. I think I can find the all the figures I need in my mountain of painted and unpainted tin/resin/plastics.
Tell me when you want a game :-)

Koen said...

I'm bringing back over 200 LotR figures from Crisis, once I get some painted, we are off 😉

Koen said...

I just need to paint done figures, read the rules and we're set. Perhaps for our traditional pre-Xmas game?

Joakim Ström said...

Sonunds great