Friday, May 20, 2016

Still more paras

Jepp, you've guessed it... Another batch of a dozen paras completed. More crew for the guns, including some junior leaders. A padre. A 2" mortar team. And finally a Forward Observer team. Mix of AB and SHQ figures.

This gives me a total of 80 paras now, a full platoon, and parts of a second platoon. Plus supports, a.o. a 6lb AT gun and a Vickers MMG. 

Next: even more paras - just over 30 Blitz figures. These are the remainder of my 2nd platoon, some extra supports and some extra crew. And I've primed the jeep that was in the box I got off Thomas and Laffe.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

More paras

Still working on my paras, even if I haven't been able to do much lately. At least I've managed to complete my Vickers MMG team and a 6pdr AT gun with crew.

I've got my hands on some Battlefield / Blitz paras to flesh out my 2nd platoon, and they are very nice and well researched figures. Hopefully I'll be able to get some shots of them once I complete my last batch of my original AB/SHQ/TQD lot.

Thomas has kindly donated me a box of AB and SHQ paras that he had lying about (I think he got them off Leif originally), and another jeep, and they will be used to create a 3rd platoon, which will take me to full company strength. The jeep will do nicely to complete a full recce squadron. 

SHQ Airborne 6pdr and mixed crew of SHQ and AB. SHQ Vickers w crew.

The 6 pdr from above. I've added some ammo boxes. I've also embedded a dice frame for the shock dice into the base.

The same from a slightly different angle

Padre in progress. I think this is an SHQ crew member (AT or howitzer), to which I've added a scarf stole with tissue and white glue.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Johnny Frost

Apart from painting my Frostgrave warband, I've also completed some more paras this week: 

SL (double based) for the 2nd platoon, crew for a Vickers MMG and 6lb AT gun. These are a mix of AB, SHQ and TQD

And some more supports in progress (they're actually almost finished, but I haven't made more recent pictures of them):

6lb AT gun with crew in progress (I tend to base some crew with my guns). The gun is SHQ; the crew AB and SHQ

6lb and Vickers in progress. On the base for the Vickers you can see the slots I left for the crew. Both Vickers and 6lb are SHQ

Into the cold at Felstad

I pushed on last night and completed the last 5 figures of the Fellowshi... errr my warband for Frostgrave. A Knight, a Halfling Aprentice and 3 Halfling Thieves should do nicely. 

Game night tonight, and after that it's back to my paras. Not too much left now - the bases on my 6pdr and Vickers, and then a couple more batches to complete my 2 platoons and supports.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016


Tomorrow night I will finally get my introduction into Frostgrave. Something I've been planning for a while, and I'ev selected quite some figures for it from my 2nd hand stash. I'll be playing with Thomas, Joachim and his son. Of course, that posed a small problem as I've been painting other things than my Frostgrave warband recently (Johnny Frost took precedence on Frostgrave, you could say ;-)).

So, last night I got going (after finishing the bases on some more British paras) and painted up a couple of extras for my band. I'm halfway now, 5 are done, and 5 to go tonight. It'll be tight, but isn't that how it's supposed to be? 

Any similarities to know and popular characters are completely wanted ;-)

Here's some pictures:

A warhound ;)
Ranger or archer and Templar

Ranger on the right and Wizard to his left. The other 2 figures are baddies, Wraight Knights, also for Frostgrave

And here's the rest of the gang, an Apprentice, 3 Thieves and a Knight